Chronicle of the day.

July 2016

Our wards
Summer , Sun , hhhhot ☀ ☀ ☀
Our tailed sluggards;)
P.S. Individual pic with our dog Syusie - girl with special forms;)

July 2016

Our wards
Каждую субботу делаем закупки по питаниюEvery satturday we buy products for our wards (stews and bones,groats we buy once a month). Member of our organization Yuriy helps to delivery all this products without any car,on his back by public transport. Аnd then we cook porridge and give bones to our wards .
In addition, our wards have grown.

July 2016

Our wards

June 2016

Our wards
the whole kit and caboodle;) In series: Linda, Bagira, Peppi, Mishka, Tishka, Lyolya,Borya, Suzy and "frog"-traveler))) Camilla, came to us for new fotosset.

June 2016

Our wards
Sleepy weekdays;)

June 2016

Our wards
Peppi - masking genius;)

Июнь 2016

Our wards
Buy a pup and you will gain the most loyal love in the world.
Rudyard Kipling
P.S. nd not necessarily to buy. And not necessarily puppy))

June 2016

Our wards
Adventures spoiled giraffe and angel-Mila ... or maybe the other way around?))

June 2016

Our wards
Master Class "How to spend the weekend";)
This hi-photo-by Matilda, who moved into a new house!

March 2016

Our wards
At this day was Birthday of Linda&Bagira;)
Please find attached a photo - of a series of find 10 differences :) But we somehow still "rubber";)
Three years ago, the seven kids dragged out from under the snow and fittings in the snow-presnezhny March.
Five puppies was attached soon as Linda with Bagira had a long wandering through overexposure. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the love of money can not buy, and therefore refused the services of paid overexposure. All of our wards are under our supervision, we do feed them, remove them and walk. Although all these procedures with three "parties" and take on a couple of hours twice a day - we are assured that the animals look well-groomed and properly.

Март 2016

Our wards
Our funny walks ;)

Март 2016

Our wards
Tisha - our gentleman congratulates all the ladies on the spring holiday March 8,
! Our tailed girl is crazy about the attention received

February 2016

Our wards
We bought another 10 pipettes Barca treated today our wards.
And yet, walking, leaping, jumping and comb.
All the pleasures of life

January 2016

Our band))
Our wards

Декабрь 2015

We went to feed your gang to the "object", heard in the farthest parts of the puppy crying. On a voice went to look and found a puppy that got stuck in the fallen trees and bricks.
Dite was very frightened, but the tail of happiness Mota as a propeller. Puppy was a girl. They named Peppi (long legs)))
In general, prescribed Peppi Linda with Bagheera in "apartments". And Pepi glad of the new company))
We will seek new owners, because girl is wonderful, incredibly focused on the person and very grateful.

Our wards

December 2015

After one of our walks Suzy colds ears, was taken to the doctor, he appeared otitis. We had our Susanne like a homemade headdress. Beauty - what else to say))
But most importantly, that we have already healthy!:)
Our wards

September 2015

A few months ago, "good people" have thrown a cat, which has given birth to kittens second time. Catching of this cat wasn't possible, we have been trying to tame cat with kittens to the people with our neighbors - they are all unreal shy. We have enrolled twice on sterilization, but could not get to catch at least someone, and, behold, a few days ago we caught the first available cat. We called him Felix - he really like the cover of the eponymous food for kittens)) Felix after castration is carried out at our home overexposure to the meeting with the new owners, tame to the handles and get used to the home conditions..To be continued Our wards

August 2015

Our wardsIndependence day!

June 2015

Our wards

Hello from Tisha and Misha

Our wards

Партия "мелких" в упряжке

Июнь 2015

Our wards

Вот как проходят наши будни..и выходные

Our wards

- Девушка, как Вас сфотографировать?
-Сфотографируй так, чтоб во всей красе (Найда)

Our wards

- Ну пожалуйста, дай мне еще одну ягодку!!!
Хитрушка Лиззи выпрашивает шелковицу

Our wards

Ну, кажись, все "засвидетельствовали свое почтение"

Our wards

Ну Вы понимаете...с нашими не соскучишься

Our wards

Мечтаем, что скоро наши улыбаки будут радовать своих хозяев!

Our wards

50 оттенков...рыжего по-нашему: Руди, Найда,Мишель

Our wards

Руди, а давай-ка я твою косточку постерегу?(с) Мила

Май 2015


Некоторые говорят, наше подрастающее поколение равнодушное.
А мы хотим опровергнуть это утверждение, подрастающее поколение классное!
Вот какие юные помощницы Лера, Вика и Тиночка есть у нас, и большое им спасибо за это!
Девчонки искренне помогают тем,обездоленным животным, которые требуют помощи.
А так они общаются с нашими подопечными (на фото Мила, Лиззи,Мотя и Руди, Найда,Тишка с Мишкой, Линдой и Багирой, Лелей, Борей и Сюзанной в следующем выпуске :)
А у нас новая малышка на сокураторстве, зовут Лиззи.
Очень подружились наши девочки (Найда и Мила) с Лиззи, ох и что они вытворяют ;)

Апрель 2015

Our wards

Милочка и Найдочка - собаки-целоваки :)

Март 2015

Our wards


Our wards

Selfie by Zosya

Our wards

Всем привет от Линды, Багиры, Мишки и Моти (Тишка не успел запечетлиться, бегал по делам :)

Our wards

Зима 2015

Our wards

Осень 2014

Our wards

Our wards

Лето 2014

Our wards

Зима 2014

Our wards


Our wards